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HasFacets Animation Methods


Tweener Objects

As previously described, a tweener object manipulates the flow of time during an animation. The Facets animation system includes the following predefined set of tweener classes and objects:

Class or object Module
Tweener facet.animation.tweener
LinearTweener facet.animation.tweener
NoEasing facet.animation.tweener
EaseInTweener facets.animation.ease_in_tweener
EaseIn facets.animation.ease_in_tweener
EaseOutTweener facets.animation.ease_out_tweener
EaseOut facets.animation.ease_out_tweener
EaseOutEaseInTweener facets.animation.ease_out_ease_in_tweener
EaseOutEaseIn facets.animation.ease_out_ease_in_tweener
EasyTweener facets.animation.easy_tweener
CycleTweener facets.animation.cycle_tweener
RampTweener facets.animation.ramp_tweener
RetrogradeTweener facets.animation.retrograde_tweener
BounceTweener facets.animation.bounce_tweener


The Tweener class defines the base class from which all other tweener classes derive. The Tweener class is a concrete class that implements a basic linear tween, which performs no time manipulation at all. To emphasize this, LinearTweener is provided as a synonym you can use instead of Tweener. The same module also defines a NoEasing attribute, which is simply a predefined and reusable Tweener instance.

The Tweener class defines the following two facets:

compose: Callable( identity )
The tweener this one is composed with. Since tweener objects are basically functions of the form: t’ = tweener(t), which map a time t to a new time t’ in the same range, tweener objects can be composed to create new composite tweeners: t’ = tweener_1(tweener_2(...tweener_n(t)...)). You can use the compose facet to perform such tweener composition without actually having to write it out in its functional form. This allows you to create a tweener composition without having to create a new subclass of tweener that explicitly implements the composition. The default value for compose is the identity function where t’ == t.
modified: Event
The event fired when one of the parameters defining the tweener is modified. This is not used by the Tweener class, since it has no pamaters, but is provided for use by subclasses.

The Tweener class also implements the single public method:

at( t )
Returns the tween mapped time t’ for time t, where t is between 0.0 and 1.0. The result must be in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. This method must be overridden by any subclass to implement a new tweening function. The implementation for the Tweener class simply returns t unchanged.

The at method defines the tweening function described above. Note that it is always a mapping of a time value between 0.0 and 1.0 to another time value between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0 corresponds to the start time of the animation and 1.0 corresponds to the end time of the animation. This is true no matter how long the animation runs. The animation system handles the conversion of time from the normalized [0.0, 1.0] time range to actual animation time, thus simplifying the task of creating new tweening functions.

Basically, creating a new tweener class boils down to implementing a new at method that implements the desired tweening function. As a result, tweener subclasses typically do not implement any new public methods, and only define new facets used as parameters in computing the function defined by the at method.

As mentioned previously, a tweener manipulates the flow of time in an animation. The default at method defined by the Tweener class simply returns the input time unchanged:

def at ( self, t ):
    return t

If you want to implement a simple tweener that makes time run backwards (like playing a movie in reverse) you could do so using the following at method definition:

def at ( self, t ):
    return (1.0 - t)

In essence, such a tweener would make any animation it was applied to run from its end value to its start value without otherwise affecting the flow of time (i.e. without adding any slow motion or fast forward effects).

To help illustrate what effect a tweener has on an animation, we provide a plot of the tweener function over the time range from 0.0 to 1.0 as shown in the following figure for the base Tweener class:


All of these plots are taken directly from the Animation Lab demo in the Graphics and Animation section of the Facets UI demo. We highly recommend trying the demo for yourself to become more familiar with the effect that each tweener type has on an animation. You can even compose tweeners and create and try your own tweening classes directly within the demo.


The EaseInTweener class defines a classic animation ease-in effect, where an animation starts out relatively fast and then slows down as it nears the end of the animation, as illustrated in the following plot:


The same module also defines an EaseIn attribute containing a predefined and reusable instance of EaseInTweener.


The EaseOutTweener class defines a classic animation ease-out effect, where an animation starts out relatively slow and then speeds up as it nears the end of the animation, as illustrated in the following plot:


The same module also defines an EaseOut attribute containing a predefined and reusable instance of EaseOutTweener.


The EaseOutEaseInTweener class defines a classic animation ease-out/ease-in effect, where an animation starts out relatively slow, speeds up, and then slows down again as it nears the end of the animation, as illustrated in the following plot:


The same module also defines an EaseOutEaseIn attribute containing a predefined and reusable instance of EaseOutEaseInTweener.


The EasyTweener is a variation on the EaseOutEaseIn tweener that uses a different easing function, as illustrated in the following plot:



The CycleTweener basically makes an animation play forward linearly, then backward linearly, the number of times specified by its cycles facet. This is illustrated in the following plot which shows the tweener function for cycles values of 1 and 2:



The RampTweener divides the animation cycle into three phases defined using the following two facets:

cycle: Range( 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 )
The fraction of the time cycle spent in the ramp.
level: Range( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 )
The maximum level reached before starting the ramp.

The middle (or ramp) phase lasts for a time specified by cycle. The beginning and ending phases last for an amount of time specified by (1.0 - cycle)/2.0. The first phase starts with an output value of 0.0 and moves linearly to the output value specified by level. The ending phase does the converse, starting with an output value of 1.0 - level and moving linearly to 1.0 at time 1.0. The middle phase also moves linearly, starting with an output value of level and moving to 1.0 - level.

This is more easily understood looking at the following plot, which shows the function for several different values of cycle and level:



The Retrograde tweener does a simple linear animation from its start value to its end value, but reverses the flow of time for a while during the middle part of the animation. The only control facet provided is:

amount: Range( 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 )
The amount of retrograde movement.

The following plots illustrate the type of effect that results for different values of amount:



The BounceTweener attempts to provide a bouncing ball type effect by appearing to bounce one or more times upon reaching its end value. The bounce is controlled by the following three facets:

time: Range( 0.1, 1.0, 0.45 )
The time at which the first bounce begins.
height: Range( 0.0, 1.0, 0.1 )
The maximum height of the bounce.
bounces: Range( 1, 5, 2 )
The number of bounces.

The effect is illustrated in the following plots, which show the results for different facet settings:
