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The Standard Tools


The tools Function

The Facets package provides a high-level tools function that takes all of the capabilities of the low-level tools framework and wraps them in an easy to use user interface that allows you to create a customizable tools environment that can be invoked from the command line or embedded within your application.

A screen shot of a typical tools environment in use is shown below:


A Quick Overview

We’ll start the discussion of the tools function by providing a quick overview of some of the key facilities that it provides:


A tools environment created using the tools function makes available a collection of tools for you to choose from. This collection of tools is (somewhat unsurprisingly) referred to as a toolbox. You can either use one of the standard toolboxes supplied with Facets or create your own custom toolboxes including any of the standard Facets tools or any custom tools you create or acquire.

A toolbox is defined using a simple text file, usually with a .box extension, that describes:

  • The set of tools included within the toolbox.
  • The hierarchical organization of the tools for presentation within the tool environment’s user interface.

Defining a toolbox using an external text file makes it easy to update the contents of the toolbox and to share the toolbox across multiple tool environments.

A perspective (a term borrowed from the Eclipse framework) is simply a named canvas containing zero, one or more tools organized to work together as a composite whole. The tools environment allows you to create any number of perspectives and switch between them at any time. A perspective provides you a means of easily creating task oriented tool clusters oriented toward particular workflows.
A connection is the thing that allows one tool to talk to another. Nearly all Facets tools expose one or more connection points for communicating with other tools. Connection points can either be inputs, outputs or both and are defined by adding connect metadata to one or more of a tool’s facet definitions. The tools environment provides a simple graphical mechanism for creating and breaking connections between compatible tools. Connections are persistent and associated with the perspective and tools they are created for.
Perspectives provide a nice scratchpad for quickly putting together and testing new composite tools made from component tools connected together using connections. Every now and then though you create a really nifty little tool that you would like to use standalone or share with other people. The tools environment faciliates this by providing an export option that allows you to convert any perspective into a custom, standalone Python source module tool that can easily be invoked from the commahd line or shared with other developers. The resulting source module is nicely formatted, well commented, compact and can easily be hand tweaked to add new features or elements not directly supported by the tools environment.

Defining a Custom Toolbox

As mentioned previously, the collection of tools supported by a particular tools environment is defined by a toolbox whose description is contained in a simple text file, usually with a .box file extension. The Facets package includes several toolbox files:

Defines the default toolbox used by the tools environment.
Defines a debugging toolbox used by the FBI debugger.
Defines a custom tool box containing just Facets UI demos that can be fun to play around with interactively within a tools environment.

A valid toolbox file can contain the following three types of lines:

Any blank line or line whose first non-blank character is # is considered to be a comment and is ignored.
Any line of the form: name: package.module.class defines a tool. Name can be any non-empty string that does not contain a : character or start with # and specifies the name of the tool as it will appear in the tool environment’s user interface. Following the first : is a string defining the package, module and class defining the tool (e.g.
Any non-comment line which does not contain a : defines a section. The contents of the line define the name of the section as it will appear in the tool environment’s user interface. Sections are used to help organize the presentation of tools within the user interface.

Like Python, the contents of a toolbox file are sensitive to leading white space. Lines with greater levels of indenting that follow a section are considered to be part of the preceding section. Sections can also be nested by increasing the amount of indenting used to start a new level.

To illustrate these rules, the following example shows the beginning part of the default Facets toolbox file:

# The standard Facets developer tools:
VIP Shell:     
Text Editor:   
Text Collector:
Select DockWindow Theme:
Application Monitor:
Class Browser: 
    Control Flasher:
    Control Grabber:
    Control Stack:
Cross Reference:
Drop Zone:     
    Event Monitor:
    FBI Viewer:
    Heap Browser:
    Traceback Viewer:

Most of the lines in the example define tools, with the two lines containing Control and Debugging defining the beginning of user interface sections. Note the use of indenting to define the contents of a section.

Using the tools Function

There are several ways to create a tools environment using the tools function. If you just want to use the standard Facets toolbox, you can create a tools environment directly from the command line using:

python -m

However, if you want full control you can create a standard or custom tools environment in your own code by directly invoking the tools function contained in the module. The signature for the tools function is as follows:

tools( object = None, application = ‘Facets’, tools = None, toolbox = None, show = True )

As you can see, all arguments are optional, with a call to tools() simply creating a tools environment using the standard Facets toolbox. The meaning of the various arguments are as follows:

Specifies an optional application object that is made available to any Universal Inspector tool added to a perspective. This can be useful when you are creating a tools environment specifically for help in debugging or testing a particular object in your application.
Specifies a name for the tools environment being created. The name is used as a key for saving and restoring user preference information for the created tools environment. This can be useful when creating several custom tools environments used for different purposes or application, by allowing the perspectives created for each environment to be stored using different application names.
Specifies an optional list of default tools to automatically add to each new perspective created. If not specified or None, each new perspective starts off empty. If a value is provided, it should be a list of strings containing the user interface name of tools in the environment’s toolbox (e.g. [‘File Sieve’, ‘Universal Inspector’]). The specified tools are added to each new perspective in the order specified.

Specifies a Toolbox object describing the set of tools (i.e. toolbox) made available to each perspective in the environment. If not specified or None, the default Facets toolbox is used. To use a custom toolbox, create a text file containing a description of the toolbox as described in the Defining a Custom Toolbox section, and then pass a value of the form: Toolbox( file_name = file_name ) as the toolbox argument, where file_name is the name of the toolbox text file you created. The Toolbox class is defined in the module.

In order to make specifying the toolbox file easier, you can leave the path information off of the file name if the file is in the same directory as the module creating the Toolbox object or one of its callers. The Toolbox class automatically searches for the toolbox file in the directories referenced by modules in the Python call stack.

If True (the default), the created tools environment is automatically displayed. If False, it is up to your application to display the tools environment when needed. You can do this simply by calling the edit_facets method on the Tools object returned by the function.

The result of calling the tools function is a Tools object representing the tools environment. If you specified show = False, you will need to explicitly call the edit_facets method on the result to display the tools environment.

Using the Tools Environment

The user interface for the tools environment is divided into two areas, as shown in the following screen shot:

Menu Bar
Contains menu actions that allow you to manipulate the current perspective in various ways.
Perspective Area
Contains the set of tools you have added to the current perspective.

When you first start a tools environment it automatically loads the last perspective used. If this is the first time starting a particular environment, the Default perspective is loaded. If you want to use a different perspective, simply click on the Switch menu bar item and select a different perspective from the drop-down menu list.

If you want to create a new perspective, select the Perspective/New... entry from the menu and enter a name for your new perspective in the pop-up dialog that appears.

Depending upon the arguments passed to the tools function, a newly created perspective may be initially empty or populated with a default set of tools which you can either use, add to or delete. To delete a tool, click the X icon on the right side of its tab. To add a new tool to the perspective, click the Tools menu bar item and select the tool you want to add from the drop-down menu list. The contents of the menu list directly reflect the contents and structure of the toolbox file provided to the tools function.

If you want, you can add more than one copy of a particular tool to the perspective. Additional copies have a numeric suffix appended to their tab name (e.g. Universal Inspector 2).

Connecting Tools

Once tools have been added to the perspective area you can visually organize them any way you want using standard tab dragging, docking and splitter bar adjustments. The layout you create is automatically persisted as part of the perspective definition.

In most cases you will also want to create connections between the tools you have added. This can be done in one of two ways.

Method 1: Hover the mouse pointer over the feature icon for one of the two tools to connect and click on the tool’s connection icon:


Then select the connection you want to make from the pop-up menu that appears. For example:


The popup menu reflects the available connections that can be made between the selected tool and all other tools currently in the perspective.

Method 2: Hover the mouse pointer over the feature icon for one of the two tools to connect then click and drag on the tool’s connection icon. As you drag, the other tools within the perspective that you can connect to update their feature icon to indicate that they are valid drop targets:


Position your pointer over a tool showing the drop target and release it to make a connection. If the two tools have more than one possible connection that can be made between them, a pop-up menu allowing you to choose the connection you want appears. Select the desired item to complete the connection. If only one legal connection is possible, the connection is made automatically without displaying a pop-up menu.

Note that if you do not see the connection icon when you hover over a tool’s feature icon it means that the tool does not support the connection feature.

Disconnecting Tools

You can break existing connections between tools using two different approaches as well.

Method 1: Hover the mouse pointer over the feature icon for one of the two tools to disconnect and click on the tool’s connection icon, just as if you were going to make a connection. If the tool already has existing connections, the pop-up menu that appears will also have a section for breaking connections:


Select the connection you want to break to complete the disconnection.

Method 2: If you no longer need one of the tools you want to disconnect, simply close it by clicking its tab’s X icon. Closing a tool breaks all connections it has with other tools in the same perspective.

Perspective Menu

In addition to the New... option for creating a new perspective, the Perspective menu bar item also contains several other useful options:

Displays a pop-up dialog that allows you to enter a new name for the current perspective.
Deletes the current perspective and switches to the Default perspective. Note that the Default perspective cannot be deleted or renamed.
Creates a new window containing a copy of the current perspective. You can use this to have more than one perspective open at once.
Export as stand-alone tool..
Displays a pop-up dialog that allows you to create a new Python source module which implements the current perspective as a stand-alone tool. Refer to the next section for more information on using this option.
Sets the current perspective into the unlocked mode. When unlocked, the perspective’s tools display their tabs and can be dragged, closed, docked and reorganized as desired.
Sets the current perspective into the locked mode. When locked, the tool’s tabs are not displayed (unless they are part of a notebook group), and they cannot be dragged, closed or reorganized. However, splitter bars are still active, allowing the relative size of tools to be changed as needed.
Sets the current perspective into the frozen mode. When frozen, all tools in the perspective are completely locked down, with no adjustment to a tool’s organization, position or size allowed.

Exporting a Perspective

As mentioned in the previous section, selecting the Perspective/Export as stand-alone tool.. menu option allows you to create a new Python source module which implements the tools contained in the current perspective, along with their layout and connections, as a completely stand-alone tool that can be invoked from the command line or shared with other developers.

When you select this menu option, a dialog similar to the following appears:


The bottom half of the dialog shows you the source code for the module being exported. The top half contains a number of fields allowing you to specify various options for the exported code:

Class name
Specifies the name of the class that defines the exported tool. It must be a string that can be used as a valid Python class name. The specified name is also used as part of the persistent id for the tool in the Facets user interface database.
File name
Specifies the name of the file the exported tool is saved in. By default, this name is derived automatically from the specified Class name value.
Specifies the directory the exported tool is saved in.
Specifies the title that appears in the exported tool’s window title bar.
Specifies the default width of the exported tool’s window. This may be an integer pixel width or a fractional screen width. For example, a value of 500 means the window should be 500 pixels wide, while a value of 0.5 means the window should be half of the screen’s width.
Specifies the default height of the exported tool’s window. This may be an integer pixel width or a fractional screen height. For example, a value of 750 means the window should be 750 pixels high, while a value of 0.75 means the window should be three quarters of the screen’s height.

When you have adjusted the values as needed, click the Save button to save the the exported tool to the specified file. The following shows an example of the code generated when the Save button is clicked:

FileSieve: A Facets component tool.
Generated by:
Perspective:        File Sieve
Date/Time:          Thursday, March 01, 2012 at 04:56:09 PM

Component Tools:    FileSieve

Supported Features: DebugFeature

#  Imports:

from cPickle \
    import loads

from facets.api \
    import HasPrivateFacets, List, Any, Instance, View, Item, NotebookEditor

from \
    import FileSieve

from \
    import UniversalInspector

from facets.extra.features.debug_feature \
    import DebugFeature

from facets.extra.features.drag_drop_feature \
    import DragDropFeature

from facets.extra.features.options_feature \
    import OptionsFeature

from facets.extra.features.save_state_feature \
    import SaveStateFeature

#  'FileSieve' class:

class FileSieve ( HasPrivateFacets ):

    #-- Class Constants --------------------------------------------------------

    # The pickled string form of the layout template used by the tool contents:
    _template = "cfacets.core.facet_defs\n..."

    #-- Facet Definitions ------------------------------------------------------

    # The component tools:
    tool_1 = Instance( FileSieve, { 'name': 'File Sieve' } )
    tool_2 = Instance( UniversalInspector, { 'name': 'Universal Inspector' } )

    # The list of all component tools:
    tools = List

    # The layout template for the tools:
    template = Any

    #-- Facet View Definitions -------------------------------------------------

    def default_facets_view ( self ):
        """ Returns the View to use with this perspective.
        return View(
            Item( 'tools',
                  style      = 'custom',
                  show_label = False,
                  id         = 'tools',
                  editor     = NotebookEditor(
                      features = [
                      dock_style = 'tab',
                      page_name  = '.name',
                      template   = 'template'
            title     = 'File Sieve Tool',
            id        = '',
            resizable = True,
            width     = 0.5,
            height    = 0.328

    #-- HasFacets Method Overrides ---------------------------------------------

    def facets_init ( self ):
        """ Initializes all of the inter-tool connections.
        """ = [

    #-- Facet Default Values ---------------------------------------------------

    def _template_default ( self ):
        return loads( self._template )

#-- Start the tool (if invoked from the command line) --------------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':

#-- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note that the generated code is set up so that it can be invoked directly from the command line. For example:


It can also easily be embedded and invoked from other applications. For example, the following code could be used to display a pop-up version of the tool:

from file_sieve import FileSieve

It can also be included as part of another application view:

from file_sieve import FileSieve
class MyApp( HasFacets ):
    sieve = Instance( FileSieve, () )
    view = View(
        UItem( 'sieve', style = 'custom' ),