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Documentation To Do List


Demand Driven Documentation

Facets is a large software package and will eventually have a correspondingly extensive documentation set to match. But until that day arrives, we’d like to prioritize the creation of documentation using a demand driven approach.

That is, if there are portions of Facets that you would like to see documented (or documented better), please let the author know. Whatever user feedback is received will be recorded in the Documentation To Do List list.

Documentation items in the to do list will be handled as follows:

  • Items at the top of the list will be documented before items lower on the list.
  • Each item will have a request count and id associated with it.
  • New user submitted items will be added to the end of the list with a request count of one and a new, unique id.
  • Duplicate requests for the same item id (by different users) will increase the item’s request count by one.
  • When an item’s request count increases, it will move up the list to be just above every other item with a smaller request count.
  • To avoid spamming the list, user’s will only be able to vote for one item submitted by another user once per 24 hour period.
  • The package author reserves the right to add new items to the list. In such cases, the new item will be added to the end of list with a request count of zero. That is, it will remain below all user submitted requests until one or more users vote it up. This is to allow the package author to suggest topics that users may not be aware of.

The following additional rules for maintaining the list will also apply:

  • If an incoming documentation request is too vague or broad (e.g. document the Facets UI system), it will be added to the end of the Pending Documentation To Do List list, along with the user’s name and date, awaiting further refinement or clarification by the submitting user. Additional comments explaining what needs to be clarified or refined may also be added as needed.
  • If the submitting user provides a valid follow-up clarification, the resulting item will be moved from the pending to the to do list as described above.
  • If a follow-up clarification is still too vague or broad, the clarification will be added to or replace the original item on the pending list, where it will continue to await additional clarification.
  • If an item remains on the pending list for a long period of time (say one month) without any further clarification being provided, it will be deemed dead and removed from the pending list.

The The Facets UI Demo is considered part of the Facets documentation, so requests for writing a demo illustrating a particular set of Facets features can be included in the to do list.