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Demand Driven Documentation


Documentation To Do List

Creating New History Items

Describe how to create new, custom VIP Shell history item classes. This topic will be added to the current section on Extending the Shell.

Creating New Themes

Describe how to create new graphical themes for use with the VIP Shell. This topic will be added to the current section on Extending the Shell.

Standard Features

Describe the following features in the section on the standard Facets features (in tool_architecture.rst):

  • CustomFeature
  • DropFileFeature
  • ToolFeature

Standard Tools

Describe the following standard Facets tools:

  • Breakpoints
  • Data Watch
  • Event Monitor
  • Favorites Browser
  • FBI Buttons
  • FBI Viewer
  • File Monitor
  • File Search
  • File Sieve
  • File Space
  • Heap Browser
  • Image Browser
  • Image Info Editor
  • Image Knife
  • Image Palette
  • Image Selector
  • Image Theme Editor
  • Image Transformer
  • Image Volume Builder
  • Light Table
  • Listener
  • Local Variables
  • Local Variables Shell
  • Logger
  • Log File
  • Object Viewer
  • Profiler
  • Profile Viewer
  • Shell
  • Stack Frames
  • Template
  • Text Editor
  • Text File
  • Theme Editor
  • Theme Layout
  • Theme Sampler
  • Universal Inspector
  • Wiretap

Pending Documentation To Do List