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MongoDB OML Facets

The MongoDB OML allows storing objects which are subclasses of the MongoDBObject class in a MongoDB database. However, only the object attributes defined using the facets described in this section are actually stored in the database. All other object facets are simply discarded when the object is stored in the database.

All of the special MongoDB OML facets can be imported from facets.extra.mongodb.api and have names of the form DBxxx to help make their special database semantics stand out better when reading a class definition. In addition, most of the facets have semantics identical to other, standard facets that they are based on. In cases such as this, the facet name is formed simply by prepending the DB prefix to the standard facet name (e.g. DBStr).

The remainder of this section provides a brief description of all of the available MongoDB OML facets. A follow-on section then provides additional details about those MongoDB OML facets that have more complex database specific semantics.


Any simple value (Bool, Int, Float, Str, ...). It has the same semantics as the standard Any facet.

Note however that it should not be used for saving object references. Use the DBObject, DBRef or DBLink facet instead.

A boolean value. It has the same semantics as the standard Bool facet.
An integer value. It has the same semantics as the standard Int facet.
A floating point value. It has the same semantics as the standard Float facet.
A string value. It has the same semantics as the standard Str facet.

A list of heterogeneous simple data values (Bool, Int, Float, Str, ...). It has the same semantics as the standard List facet.

Note however that it should not be used to store object references. Use a DBObjects, DBRefs or DBLinks facet instead.


A dictionary of heterogeneous simple data values. It has the same semantics as the standard Dict facet.

Note however that it should not be used to store object references. Currently there is no way using the MongoDB OML to store database object references using a dictionary-based value.


A set of heterogeneous simple data values. It has the same semantics as the standard Set facet.

Note however that it should not be used to store object references. Currently there is no way using the MongoDB OML to store database object references using a set-based value.

A numeric value within a specified range. It has the same semantics as the standard Range facet.
Contains a reference to a MongoDBObject instance that is stored as part of the containing object in the MongoDB database. It has the same semantics as the standard Instance facet, although the specified class should be MongoDBObject or a subclass.
Contains a list of references to MongoDBObject instances that are stored as part of the containing object in the MongoDB database. It has the same semantics as the standard List facet, although the default facet has been changed to MongoDBObject. If the list facet type is explicitly specified, it should be MongoDBObject or a subclass.
Contains a reference to a MongoDBObject instance that is not owned by the referencing object and is stored independently of the referencing object in the MongoDB database. It has semantics similar to the standard Instance facet, although the specified class should be MongoDBObject or a subclass.
Contains a list of references to MongoDBObject instances that are not owned by the referencing object and which are stored independently of the referencing object in the MongoDB database. It has the same semantics as the standard List facet, although the default facet has been changed to MongoDBObject. If the list facet type is explicitly specified, it should be MongoDBObject or a subclass.
Contains a reference to a MongoDBObject instance that is owned by the referencing object but is stored independently of the referencing object in the MongoDB database. It has semantics similar to the standard Instance facet, although the specified class should be MongoDBObject or a subclass.
Contains a list of references to MongoDBObject instances that are owned by the referencing object but which are stored independently of the referencing object in the MongoDB database. It has the same semantics as the standard List facet, although the default facet has been changed to MongoDBObject. If the list facet type is explicitly specified, it should be MongoDBObject or a subclass.

Owned Versus Shared Data

Owned data is data specific to a single object, while shared data is data that is shared among a group of objects. A simple example might be that of a grade school student. Each student has their own name (which is data they own) and a teacher (which is data they do not own, but share with other students).

In terms of mapping objects to a database, owned data is typically stored as part of the data associated with the owning object, while shared data is not. Instead, shared data is typically stored separately in the database, and any object sharing that data simply stores a reference to where the shared data is kept in the database.

This is the primary distinction between DBObject and DBLink facets, which are used for owned data, and DBRef facets, which are used for shared data.

Management of owned data is simple. Since it is stored as part of the owning object, deleting the owning object also deletes the owned data.

Shared data, on the other hand, is more complex to manage. Since shared data is usually shared among an unknown number of other objects, it’s often difficult to tell exactly when shared data should be deleted. There must usually be some additional application logic that deals explicitly with creating and deleting shared objects.

In the case of the MongoDB OML, shared objects are represented using DBRef (and DBRefs) facets. In general, using these facets means that it is up to your application code to determine when it is time to delete the object the facets reference (actually, you usually want to delete them only when no object continues to reference them). The same is true about making sure that shared objects are correctly added to the database, although an object containing a DBRef that refers to an shared object not in the database will automatically save the shared object to the database when the object containing the DBRef is saved.

Now that we’ve made the distinction between owned and shared object references, let’s proceed with a further refinement of the owned data use case.

Immediate Versus Deferred Access

As we’ve seen, owned data is logically part of the owning object and is deleted when the owning object is deleted. However, in practical terms, we can make a further distinction between two different types of owned data: immediate and deferred.

As an example, let’s take the case of an application containing information about a server farm. Each object representing a server might contain information about the server’s hostname, IP address and a log of all server activity for the last month.

Now each of these three pieces of information is data owned by the server object, since it all applies to the specific server it is associated with. If we ever delete a server object, we should delete all of its owned data as well. The problem is that the log data may be very large and seldom used by most applications using the MongoDB database containing the server data, and so it seems very inefficient in terms of time and memory to load all of the log data every time an application instantiates a server object from the database.

The MongoDB OML helps you address this problem by providing both immediate and deferred object references. An immediate reference is an object whose data is loaded into storage at the same time its owning object is loaded. A deferred reference is an object which is not loaded into storage until the application code that loads the owning object actually references the deferred object.

With this distinction in mind, it should now be clear that we would probably want the server hostname and IP address to be defined as immediate data, since they are fairly small and used often by applications, while the server log data should be deferred, since it is large and infrequently used by applications.

In MongoDB OML, all facets except for DBRef(s) and DBLink(s) are immediate mode facets. Both DBRef(s) and DBLink(s) facets are deferred mode, meaning that their associated object data is not loaded until explicitly referenced by application code.

So now we can proceed with a possible definition of our hypothetical server object classes:

class LogData ( MongoDBObject ):
    data = List( Str )

class Server ( MongoDBObject ):
    hostname   = DBStr
    ip_address = DBStr
    log        = DBLink( LogData )

We’ve used a DBLink facet rather than a DBRef facet because the LogData object is owned by the Server object, and we want it to be deleted automatically when a Server object is deleted. But because DBLink is also a deferred facet, we know that the LogData object will never be loaded into memory unless some application code explicitly references it. For example:

for item in
    print item

Now that we’ve explained the distinctions between owned and shared data, and between immediate and deferred access, it might be useful to provide a table showing how these concepts apply to the various MongoDB OML facets:

Facet Data Is Access Is
DB... Owned Immediate
DBObject Owned Immediate
DBObjects Owned Immediate
DBLink Owned Deferred
DBLinks Owned Deferred
DBRef Shared Deferred
DBRefs Shared Deferred

where DB... refers to the DBAny, DBBool, DBInt, DBFloat, DBStr, DBList, DBDict, DBSet and DBRange facets.

Finally, let’s finish up this section with a couple of additional tips about the trade-offs in using the various MongoDB OML object reference types:

  • The facets of DBObject(s) object references can be used in query strings (e.g. “employee.first_name == ‘Jack’”, where first_name is a facet of the employee DBObject facet), while the facets of DBRef(s) and DBLink(s) object references cannot.

    The reason for this is that DBObject(s) facets store their data directly in the owning object’s MongoDB database representation, where it can be accessed directly by the MongoDB query engine. Both DBRef(s) and DBLink(s) facets only store object reference information in the referencing object’s MongoDB database representation. The actual object data is stored separately in the database and is not directly accessible to the query engine.

  • Since DBLink(s) facets defer the storage and time penalty of loading referenced objects until they are actually used by an application, it might seem like using DBLink(s) facets would always be more efficient than using DBObject(s) facets. In practice, the actual storage and time efficiency probably depends heavily on the size and access patterns of the data involved.

    If any of the object data is always accessed by applications, then deferring the object load may actually be slower than loading it with the owning object since multiple database requests are required to load the separate objects. Plus there is the additional database storage overhead required for saving the database object reference in the owning object.