As stated previously, in order for an object to be successfully stored in a MongoDB database, its class must be a subclass of MongoDBObject, which can be imported from facets.extra.mongodb.api. Deriving from MongoDBObject has three main functions:
For the most part, you can ignore the details of the last item and only focus your attention on the first two. We’ll cover the use of the various MongoDB DBxxx facets in the next section and continue on here by describing the various MongoDB database access methods:
Immediately saves the object to its corresponding MondoDB database collection. The only time that an object must explicitly be saved to a MongoDB database is in the case of a new top-level database object.
A top-level object is an object not currently referenced by any other object in the database. Such objects are typically retrieved later using one of the available query methods.
In other cases, objects are implicitly saved when the application terminates or the MongoDB class’s save method is called. Of course, using these facilities can introduce database update delays, so you may still want to use explicit save calls to exercise more control over the current state of the MongoDB database.
Note that explicitly saving an object may also cause other objects related to the object being saved to also be saved at the same time. Examples of this would be newly created objects assigned to DBRef, DBRefs, DBLink or DBLinks facets that are part of the object being saved. The MongoDB OML layer detects that such objects are not currently in the database and automatically adds them to the database in order to make sure the original object has valid database state information about the objects it references.
The save method can be applied to new objects not already in the MongoDB database or objects loaded from the database and then modified in some way. As mentioned previously, an explicit save call is not strictly necessary in the latter case since the MongoDB OML layer tracks changes to modified objects and adds them to a dirty list of objects that need to be saved back to the underlying MongoDB database, either when the next save call to the application’s MongoDB object occurs or the application terminates. An explicit save call in this case simply provides finer control over when database updates occur.
The method returns self as its result. If any errors are encountered, an appropriate exception is raised.
Deletes the object from the associated MongoDB database if possible. If the object is not currently stored in the MongoDB database, no action is taken.
If the object contains DBLink or DBLinks facets which reference other objects stored in the MongoDB database, those objects will be deleted as well. This process is recursive, so deleting one top level object may result in deleting an entire hierarchy of objects linked together using DBLink and DBLinks references. See the Understanding DBObject(s), DBRef(s) and DBLinks(s) section for more information on the role and use of DBLink and DBLinks facets.
The method returns self as its result. If any errors are encountered, an appropriate exception is raised.
If query is not specified or None, it uses the contents of the object as a prototype for matching and loading a single MongoDB database object instance that matches the assigned facets of the object. It returns the matching object if the load is successful. If no match is found, and add is False, then None is returned. Otherwise the original object is automatically added to the MongoDB database and returned as the result.
The matching result object, if any, will be of the same class as the object or one of its valid subclasses. Valid subclasses are subclasses stored in the same MongoDB collection as the object’s class. Refer to the Determining a Class’s Associated MongoDB Collection section for more information on how the collection a given class is associated with is determined.
Note that only facet values which have been explicitly set on the prototype object are used when finding a match. For example:
pet = Animal( name = 'Fido' ).load()
will only use the value of the name facet when searching for a match, no matter what other attributes are defined on an Animal instance.
If query is a string, it is assumed to be a query string specifying the criteria the requested object must match. In this case, the actual contents of the object are not use when searching for a match. Refer to the Format of a Query String section for more information about the format of a valid query string.
If the case where a query string is specified, but no match is found and add is True, the object is added to the MongoDB database and returned as the result, just as in the case when no query string is specified.
Note that unlike the all or iterall methods, the load method will only return at most a single matching object and is normally used in cases where the requested object is known to be unique.
Uses the contents of the object as a prototype for matching and loading all MongoDB database instances which match the assigned facets of the object. It returns a list of all matching objects, which may be empty if no matches are found.
Note that the resulting list of objects includes all matching objects that are of the same class as the object or one of its valid subclasses. Valid subclasses are subclasses stored in the same MongoDB collection as the object’s class. Refer to the Determining a Class’s Associated MongoDB Collection section for more information on how the collection a given class is associated with is determined.
If query is a string, it is assumed to be a query string specifying the criteria that all requested objects must match. In this case, the actual contents of the object are not use when searching for matches. Refer to the Format of a Query String section for more information about the format of a valid query string.
If sort is not specified, the returned matching objects are in no particular order.
Since the number of matching MongoDB database objects may potentially be very large, you can use the skip and limit arguments to control how many objects are returned:
This method is similar to the all method, but returns an iterator that yields the next matching MongoDB database instance on each iteration.
This method can be more efficient than using all when the query could match a large number of MongoDB database instances but the application only needs to process them one at a time. Since the method only converts a single MongoDB database document into a Facets-based object on each iterator call, the overall latency and memory requirements can be greatly reduced when compared to using all.
Returns the first instance of the class found in the MongoDB database, or None if no instances exist. This method is most useful for loading root or singleton objects stored in the database.
The result object, if any, will be of the specified class or one of its valid subclasses. Valid subclasses are subclasses stored in the same MongoDB collection as the object’s class. Refer to the Determining a Class’s Associated MongoDB Collection section for more information on how the collection a given class is associated with is determined.
Note that unlike all of the other methods, this is a class, not an instance method. For example:
pet = Animal.fetch()
would assign the first Animal instance found in the MongoDB database to pet.
The load, all and iterall methods each accept an optional query string describing the criteria that matching MongoDB database instances must satisfy. The MongoDB OML query language is specifically designed to be a cross between familiar Python language syntax and MongoDB database query semantics.
Although queries are expressed as strings, they are eventually passed to the Python eval function and so must adhere to Python language expression syntax. In particular, a query should be written as a series of one or more terms separated by and and or conjunctions used to control how the individual terms affect the query result. Due to the way that the query string gets pre-processed, it is highly recommended that each term be enclosed in parentheses when using multiple terms. For example:
"(document == 'War and Peace') and (author == 'Tolstoy')"
Basically, you can think of a valid query string as being something you might write in a Python if statement:
if (document == 'War and Peace') and (author == 'Tolstoy'):
In the case of the MongoDB OML, the do_something logic simply adds the current MongoDB database item to the matching result set. Of course, for performance reasons, the actual query logic all occurs inside the MongoDB database engine, which is written in C++, and is translated into the internal query representation used by MongoDB. But this analogy should help guide you in how to formulate a valid query string for use with the MongoDB OML.
Each term in the query should be written as an expression returning a boolean result and may reference facets defined on the current MongoDB database instance being examined as if they were local variables in the query expression’s evaluation context. For example, given the following class definition:
class Dog ( MongoDBObject ):
breed = DBStr
age = DBInt
a valid query might be:
puppies = Dog().all( "(breed == 'Terrier') and (age <= 2)" )
In order to take advantage of the features of the MongoDB query engine, there are a few special rules to keep in mind when writing query strings:
You can query for DBStr facets that match a regular expression using query terms of the form: name == ‘/regex/’ or name != ‘/regex/’ (e.g. “name == ‘/x/i’” matches any name value containing an upper or lower case x).
Note that the regular expression uses the Perl /.../ notation, with an optional trailing i to indicate a case insensitive match. Due to some limitations on the query string processor, the actual contents of the regular expression (i.e. the part between the leading and trailing slashes) should follow standard Python re module regular expression syntax.
You can reference the facets of nested DBObject or DBObjects values directly using standard Python dot notation. For example, if you have the following class definitions:
class Person ( MongoDBObject ):
first_name = DBStr
last_name = DBStr
class Employee ( MongoDBObject ):
person = DBObject( Person )
salary = DBFloat
you could write the following query:
layoffs = Employee().all(
"(salary > 100000.00) and (person.last_name == 'Smith')" )
Not a very fair layoff policy, but a perfectly valid query.
Note that this rule cannot be used with DBRef, DBRefs, DBLink or DBLinks values, since their values are not actually available to the MongoDB database query engine. Refer to the Understanding DBObject(s), DBRef(s) and DBLinks(s) section for a more detailed explanation of the various object reference semantics that MongoDB OML supports.
If you have a DBObjects facet containing a list of objects, you can test for any element of the list matching a specific subquery using a term of the form: name( subquery ) (e.g. “pets( (breed == ‘Terrier’) and (age < 5) )”, which will match if the object’s list of pets includes at least one whose breed is Terrier with an age less than years).
Note that the previous example is not equivalent to: “(pets.breed == ‘Terrier’) and (pets.age < 5)”, since the latter query will match any object whose pets list contains at least one object containing a breed of Terrier and a possibly different object whose age is less than five years. Use the subquery form when the subquery must be true for at least one specific item in the list.
Also note that this rule cannot be used with DBRefs and DBLinks values, since their values are not actually available to the MongoDB database query engine. Refer to the Understanding DBObject(s), DBRef(s) and DBLinks(s) section for a more detailed explanation of the various object reference semantics that MongoDB OML supports.
If you have a facet whose value is a DBList or DBSet and you want to query if the value contains a specific value, you can write a term of the form: name == [value] (e.g. “favorite_numbers == [7]”). Similarly, if you want to check if the value contains at least one of a set of values, you can write: name == [value1,value2,...] (e.g. “favorite_numbers == [7,11]”).
If you want to make sure that the value does not contain the specified value (or values), use != (e.g. “favorite_numbers != [7,11]”). If you want, you can also use *not instead (e.g. “not (favorite_numbers == [7,11])”).
Similarly, if you have a facet whose value is a DBList or DBSet and you want to query if the value contains every item in a set, you can write a term of the form: name == {value1,value2,...} (e.g. “favorite_numbers == {7,11}”).
If you want to make sure that it does not contain all specified values, use != (e.g. “favorite_numbers != {7,11}”). As before, you can also use use *not instead (e.g. “not (favorite_numbers == {7,11]}”).
When querying numeric values, you are restricted to using just the standard Python comparison operation (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=). The one extension is the ability to query with the modulus operator using a term of the form: (name % value1) == value2 or (name % value1) != value2 (e.g. use (house_number % 2) == 1 to test for an odd house number).
You can test to make sure that the MongoDB database has a value defined for a specific facet by using the facets’ exists property (e.g. “age.exists”).
You can check the length of a DBObjects, DBRefs or DBLinks facet using its size property (e.g. “pets.size == 1”). Due to a limitation of MongoDB, only the == and != operators can be used in the query term.
One final note about writing query strings is that even though the string must be valid Python, being valid Python does not itself guarantee that the MongoDB database will understand the query. The query string is simply used to translate a Python-like expression into a form that the MongoDB database can process. Whether the reulting query returns the objects you expect may require additional testing and experimentation.
Although a MongoDB database is essentially schema-less, it does allow organizing groups of related documents into collections. The MongoDB OML takes advantage of this by associating each MongoDBObject subclass with a specific MongoDB collection. The rules for determing which MongoDB collection a particular MongoDBObject subclass is associated with are as follows:
By default, each immediate subclass of MongoDBObject is associated with a MongoDB collection having the same name as the subclass. For example, the class:
class IndexDocument ( MongoDBObject ):
would be associated with a MongoDB collection having the name IndexDocument.
By default, each non-immediate subclass of MongoDBObject is associated with the MongoDB collection of its parent class which is an immediate subclass of MongoDBObject. For example, in the following class hierarchy:
class Animal ( MongoDBObject ):
class Dog ( Animal ):
class Terrier ( Dog ):
the Animal class is associated with the MongoDB Animal collection using the first rule, and both the Dog and Terrier classes are also associated with the MongoDB Animal collection through application of the second rule.
You can explicitly define the MongoDB collection a class is associated with by specifying the collection’s name using the class-level collection attribute. For example, the following code:
class Animal ( MongoDBObject ):
collection = 'Species'
associates the Animal class with the MongoDB Species collection.
Explicity defining the associated MongoDB collection also amends the second rule above so that subclasses use the explicit MongoDB collection of their closest parent class. For example, in the following class hierarchy:
class Animal ( MongoDBObject ):
collection = 'Species'
class Dog ( Animal ):
collection = 'Dogs'
class Terrier ( Dog ):
instances of Animal are associated with the MongoDB Species collection, while instances of Dog and Terrier are both associated with the MongoDB Dogs collection.
Of course, all these rules about the MongoDB collection a class is associated with are very interesting, but what effect do they have on your application data model and logic?
In practice, the main effect they have is on the results returned by the various query methods (i.e. load, all, iterall, fetch). In particular, a query can only return results from the MongoDB collection associated with the query’s object.
For example, given the following class hierarchy:
class IndexDocument ( MongoDBObject ):
name = DBStr
class Animal ( MongoDBObject ):
name = DBStr
class Cat ( Animal ):
class Dog ( Animal ):
class Terrier ( Dog ):
we have partioned the underlying MongoDB database into two distinct collections: IndexDocument and Animal. If we perform the following query:
object = Animal( name = 'Fido' ).load()
we know that we will either get back None or an instance of Animal, Cat, Dog or Terrier, depending upon whether a match is found in the database or not. We know that we will not get back an instance of IndexDocument with a name of Fido, since IndexDocument instances are not stored in the same MongoDB collection as Animal, while instances of Cat, Dog and Terrier are.
From this you can see that, just by using the default collection name selected by the Mongo OML, we get a very natural partitioning of a MongoDB database into a system supporting a polymorphic object model. If you ask for an Animal, you will only get a result that is an Animal, even if the result is a subclass of Animal.
Note also that if we change the above query to:
object = Dog( name = 'Fido' ).load()
then we know that the result will either be None or an instance of Dog or Terrier, but not IndexCollection, Animal or Cat. So, in addition to the partioning provided by the MongoDB collection a class is associated with, the query mechanism also honors the subtype information implied by the query object’s class. Since in the example the query object was a Dog, the result must also be a Dog or one of its subclasses, such as Terrier.
As you can see, for many applications you will never need to explicitly set the MongoDB collection a class is associated with and can safely ignore the collection class attribute. But if the need does arise, the control is there for you to completely manage the collections that your objects are stored in.
One additional important development consideration is that changing a class’s collection attribute does not affect existing objects already stored in a MongoDB database in the original collection. This problem may be addressed in the future, but currently the only solution is to either rebuild the MongoDB database or create a custom PyMongo-level script that moves the affected documents from the original collection to the new collection.
In addition to the application facets you define as part of a MongoDBObject subclass, every MongoDBObject instance also has a special mongodb facet which contains a reference to the MongoDB object your application object is associated with. Refer to the The MongoDB Class for more detailed information about the MongoDB object.
In many cases, you will never need to use the mongodb facet directly. For example, there are no references to this facet anywhere in the example application presented previously. However, the facet does play an important role in the operation of the MongoDB OML and there may be cases where your application may need to set or reference it.
If not explicitly set in your application code, the mongodb facet is initialized to the default MongoDB object for your application. However, you are free to set the value of mongodb if necessary. One use case for doing this is an application that uses two or more MongoDB databases simultaneously. In a situation like this, you would need to explicitly create each of the MongoDB object instances needed to access the application’s MongoDB databases and then assign the appropriate MongoDB to the mongodb facet of your MongoDBObject subclass instances as needed.
In practice, this process is not as complex as its sounds. As an example, imagine that we have an application that uses customer information and credit card data. For security purposes, all credit card data is stored in a separate, highly secure, MongoDB database separate from the normal customer information MongoDB database. For this example, assume we are using the following two application classes:
class CreditCard ( MongoDBObject ):
customer_id = DBStr
credit_card_type = DBStr
credit_card_number = DBStr
expiration_date = DBStr
class Customer ( MongoDBObject ):
customer_id = DBStr
name = DBStr
address = DBStr
where CreditCard objects are stored in the secure MongoDB database, and Customer objects are kept in the less secure MongoDB database. Assume that our application has already initialzed access to the two MongoDB databases we are using:
customer_db = MongoDB( ... )
credit_card_db = MongoDB( ... )
and that we now want to retrieve the customer information and credit card data for ‘John Doe’:
- customer = Customer( mongodb = customer_db,
- name = ‘John Doe’ ).load()
- credit_card = CreditCard( mongodb = credit_card_db,
- customer_id = customer.customer_id ).load()
All we have to do is set the correct MongoDB object on each prototype object before calling load (or all or iterall) to ensure that the correct MongoDB database is used. The resulting object (or objects) will then have their mongodb facet correctly set to the MongoDB they were loaded from. A similar process is used for storing newly created objects in a particular database:
new_card = CreditCard(
mongodb = credit_card_db,
customer_id = ...,
credit_card_type = ...,
credit_card_number = ...,
expiration_date = ...