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Anyone familiar with OOD (Object Oriented Design) is probably familiar with the argument that says composition and delegation are often more powerful than inheritance. Facets provides special support for delegation through the DelegatesTo and PrototypedFrom facets.

Using Explicit Delegation

As a somewhat trivial example, let’s say we are writing a graphics application containing Circle, Rectangle and Polygon classes. Each of these classes has some common characteristics like fill_color, outline_color and outline_width.

We would like to encapsulate these drawing attributes into a common Style object that each object can refer to:

class Style ( HasFacets ):
    fill_color    = Color( 'white' )
    outline_color = Color( 'black' )
    outline_width = Range( 0, 20 )

Now we could write our code so that the delegation is explicit. For example:

class Circle ( HasFacets ):
    style = Instance( Style )

    def draw ( self, graphics ):
        graphics.draw_circle( ... )

Using PrototypedFrom Delegation

There is nothing wrong with this approach, other than the extra level of referencing needed to get to the drawing attributes. Another approach, using the PrototypedFrom facet, might look like:

class Circle ( HasFacets ):
    style         = Instance( Style )
    fill_color    = PrototypedFrom( 'style' )
    outline_color = PrototypedFrom( 'style' )
    outline_width = PrototypedFrom( 'style' )

    def draw ( self, graphics ):
        graphics.init( self.fill_color,
                       self.outline_width )
        graphics.draw_circle( ... )

This code defines the drawing attributes as parts of the Circle class that prototype their values from the Style object referenced by the object’s style attribute. This simplifies the draw method code but adds additional attribute definitions to the Circle class.

However, there are several important additional differences:

  • The drawing attributes in the Circle class do not require any additional storage initially. Each attribute reference automatically looks up the corresponding object attribute reference in the Circle’s style object.
  • If any drawing attribute is assigned a new value, the value is saved in the Circle object and does not affect the Circle’s style object. However, any future reference to that attribute uses the Circle object’s value rather than the style object’s value used initially. This characteristic is where the PrototypedFrom name comes from.
  • If the same drawing attribute is later deleted (e.g. del circle.outline_color), the drawing attribute’s value reverts back to using the corresponding value from the style object.

With this behavior in mind, we now see that the PrototypedFrom version is actually quite different from the explicit delegation approach. In the explicit delegation version, if all Circle objects share the same Style object, then changing any attribute in the Style object affects all Circle objects.

In the PrototypedFrom version, the case is quite different:

  • If we change one of a Circle object’s drawing attributes, it only affects that Circle object.
  • If we change one of the shared Style object’s attributes, it only affects those Circle objects with no local value set for the attribute.

It’s Your Choice

Neither approach is inherently better than the other; it simply depends upon which fits your design best. If the PrototypedFrom version seems like a better fit, then its good to know that the PrototypedFrom facet is saving you a lot of tedious coding:

def draw ( self, graphics ):
        getattr( self, 'fill_color', ),
        getattr( self, 'outline_color', ),
        getattr( self, 'outline_width', )
    graphics.draw_circle( ... )

If we had used DelegatesTo instead of PrototypedFrom in our example, all references to a Circle object’s drawing attributes would always redirect to the Circle object’s style object, even when setting an attribute. So using the DelegatesTo facet would be the same as the explicit delegation version, but with simpler attribute references (i.e. circle.fill_color instead of

Use of delegation is a design choice. However, once the decision is made to use it, Facets provides several options on the best way for you to implement it in your application.