One of the keys to creating a good object model is ensuring that your objects always have a valid, consistent state. And part of that process is making sure that objects are always correctly initialized.
In Python, object attributes are not defined until they are assigned a value. Thus it is a common practice for the class constructor to initialize all object attributes. This was the practice we followed in our first standard Python Person class implementation in the previous section:
class Person ( object ):
def __init__ ( name, age, weight, gender ): = name
self.age = age
self.weight = weight
self.gender = gender
In some cases, we may decide not to pass in all of the initial object state in the class constructor. In such cases it is still a good idea to initialize each of the object’s attributes:
class Person_2 ( object ):
def __init__ ( self ): = ''
self.age = 0
self.weight = 0.1
self.gender = 'female'
Facets simplifies this process by allowing you to define the initial value for an object attribute as part of its facet’s declaration:
class Person ( HasFacets ):
name = Str( '' )
age = Range( 0, None, value = 0 )
weight = Range( 0.1, None, value = 0.1 )
gender = Enum( 'male', [ 'male', 'female' ] )
Every Facet has a predefined default value. If you do not specify an initial value when defining an object attribute, the default value associated with the facet is used as the initial value for the object attribute. This is the feature we took advantage of when we wrote our original Facets version of the Person class:
class Person ( HasFacets ):
name = Str
age = Range( 0, None )
weight = Range( 0.1, None )
gender = Enum( 'male', 'female' )
To see that this in indeed what is happening, look at the following shell session:
>>> p=Person()
>>> p.age
>>> p.weight
>>> p.gender
Facets automatic initialization of object attributes is very useful for several reasons:
Some other interesting things to note about the Facets initialization feature:
Initialization is smart. For example, we could write:
class Schedule ( HasFacets ):
events = Any( [] )
We’ve defined the default value for the events attribute to be an empty list, so we don’t have to assign an empty list to events in the class constructor. Facets is smart enough to make sure that each new Schedule instance has a new, empty list assigned to its events attribute, not the original, empty list we used in the attribute’s facet declaration.
Anyone familiar with the common Python gotcha of:
def add_item ( item, target = [] ):
target.append( item )
return target
will appreciate this.
Initialization is really smart. Unlike the Python class constructor initialization approach, Facets doesn’t actually initialize the object attribute until its value is fetched the first time. This deferred initialization means your code is more efficient. For example:
class Schedule ( HasFacets ):
events = Any( [] )
s = Schedule( events = [ 'Breakfast meeting at 10:00 AM' ] )
In this example we never have to create an initial empty list value because the constructor for s ends up setting events to a non-empty list before we ever need to fetch the value of events.
The initial value for an object attribute can be computed dynamically. Sometimes the initial value for an attribute depends upon other object or environmental state that isn’t known until the object is created.
Facets ability to define initial values dynamically again helps you to write and execute more efficiently, since:
Creating dynamic initial facet values is an advanced topic which we’ll see examples of in later chapters.