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As a Python developer or user, you’re already familiar with the fact that object attributes do not have fixed types. At one instant an attribute might have an integer value, and at the next it might have a string value. In many cases this is a good thing, since it can streamline coding and allows certain kinds of classes to be easily reused in different contexts.

Some examples of when this flexible typing is a very good thing are the Python list, tuple, dict and set classes, which all work equally well with any kind of data. In strongly typed languages like C++, C# or Java, creating flexible collection classes like these requires the use of generics, which provide a similar capability but can be much more difficult to write and implement correctly.

A Simple Python Example

But just because this type flexibility is a good thing in many important cases does not mean that it is always a good thing. Let’s say we are writing a health application where we need to keep track of the name, age, weight and gender of various people. In Python, we might start by creating the following class:

class Person ( object ):

    def __init__ ( name, age, weight, gender ):   = name
        self.age    = age
        self.weight = weight
        self.gender = gender

Now, we might intuitively know that a name should be a string, an age should be a non-negative integer, a weight should be a positive float, and the gender should either be the string “male” or “female”. But as a Python user you know there is nothing in the above code to enforce this.

We could decide that with our ‘leet coding skills this is not a problem, since we will never, ever make a mistake and assign the wrong kind of value to any of the object’s attributes. That’s fine for highly skilled conscientious coders.

Adding Some Python Type Checking

But what if this class is part of a package you are distributing to other Python developers, not all of which possess your level of python-fu. Reluctantly, you decide to add some checking logic to you class:

class Person ( object ):

    def __init__ ( name, age, weight, gender ):
        if not isinstance( name, basestring ):
            raise ValueError( 'The name argument must be a string')
        if (not isinstance( age, int )) or (age < 0):
            raise ValueError( 'The age argument must be a non-negative integer')
        if (not isinstance( weight, float )) or (float <= 0.0):
            raise ValueError( 'The weight argument must be a positive float')
        if gender not in ( 'male', 'female'):
            raise ValueError( 'The gender argument must be either "male" or "female"')   = name
        self.age    = age
        self.weight = weight
        self.gender = gender

Phew! Well, that was a little bit painful, but at least we know now that all of the inputs to the constructor have been properly validated. So we sit back with a sigh of relief and start to dig out the XBox controller. Suddenly we remember that there’s nothing preventing our fellow developers from writing:

p = Person( 'Joe', 48, 165.2, 'male' )
p.age = 'middle aged'


A Simple Facets Example

By now you’ve probably gotten the point that unrestricted type flexibility may not always be what we want. So now let’s rewrite our example using Facets validate feature:

class Person ( HasFacets ):
    name   = Str
    age    = Range( 0, None )
    weight = Range( 0.1, None )
    gender = Enum( 'male', 'female' )

The main things to note about this example are:

  • We derive our Person class from HasFacets instead of object. This is how we access the features that the Facets package provides. There are other base classes we can derive from as well, which we’ll describe in other chapters; but HasFacets is the base class that all Facets-featured classes derive from.

  • We define a number of typed instance attributes using lines like:

    name = Str

    which can be read as saying “instances of this class have an attribute called name which must have a string (i.e. Str) value”.

    The Str, Range and Enum symbols are called facets and provide many of the same capabilities as a type in other programming languages. In particular, in this example they provide the type checking (i.e. validation) we are looking for.

At first glance it might not seem like it, but this Facets class is actually a functional superset of the second Python example we wrote previously. That is:

  • It automatically provides a constructor which ensures that only valid arguments are passed and assigned.
  • It also catches attempts to assign invalid values to object attributes after the constructor has run.

To see this, we’ll show the results of an interactive Python interpreter session using the Facets version of the Person class:

>>> p = Person( name = 'Joe', age = 48, weight = 165.2, gender = 'male' )
>>> p.age = 'middle aged'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Assembla\trunk\facets\core\", line 187, in error
    object, name, self.full_info( object, name, value ), value
facets.core.facet_errors.FacetError: The 'age' facet of a Person instance must
be an integer >= 0, but a value of middle aged was specified.
>>> p = Person( name = 'Joe', age = 48, weight = 165.2, gender = 'guy' )
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Assembla\trunk\facets\core\", line 187, in error
    object, name, self.full_info( object, name, value ), value
facets.core.facet_errors.FacetError: The 'gender' facet of a Person instance must
be 'male' or 'female', but a value of guy was specified.

Note that the Facets-based Person class caught both:

  • The attempt to incorrectly modify an object attribute after the object had been constructed.
  • The attempt to pass the constructor an invalid argument.

The careful reader might also note the difference in the constructor calls between the standard Python Person class and the Facets version. Although you can construct Facets classes that accept unnamed constructor arguments, the default HasFacets constructor expects only a list of named arguments, each of which is assigned to their eponymous object attribute.

This means you don’t need to create an explicit class constructor for many Facets classes, although you are free to do so if you like. In later chapters we’ll cover some examples of constructing Facets classes with and without an explicit constructor method.

Additional Thoughts

Some final comments about Facets validation before moving on to the next section:

  • Facets does not force you to define a specific type for all object attributes. The Any Facet can be used to define attributes which accept any Python value:

    class NamedValue ( HasFacets ):
        name  = Str
        value = Any
    nv1 = NamedValue(
        name = 'manager',
        value = Person( name = 'Joe', age = 48, weight = 165.2, gender = 'male' )
    nv2 = NamedValue(
        name  = 'meaning of life'
        value = 42

    You can also use the Python Facet, which is like Any but has standard Python attribute semantics. That is, you must explicity set the associated obect attribute before referencing it:

    class NamedPythonValue ( HasFacets ):
        name  = Str
        value = Python
    >>> nv = NamedPythonValue()
    >>> print
    >>> print nv.value
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    AttributeError: 'NamedPythonValue' object has no attribute 'value'

    Using Facets gives you the best of both worlds: strongly typed attributes when you need them, and flexibly type attributes when you don’t.

  • You can easily mutate existing Facet types to create new ones. For example, let’s say you want an attribute that can either be None or an integer in the range from 1 to 6. Simply write:

    class DiceRoll ( HasFacets ):
        die_value = Either( None, Range( 1, 6 ) )
    >>> roll = DiceRoll()
    >>> roll.die_value = 3
    >>> roll.die_value = None
    >>> roll.die_value = 7
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "C:\Assembla\trunk\facets\core\", line 187, in error
        object, name, self.full_info( object, name, value ), value
    facets.core.facet_errors.FacetError: The 'die_value' facet of a DiceRoll instance
    must be 1 <= an integer <= 6 or None, but a value of 7 was specified.
  • You can define your own, new Facet types if the ones you need aren’t provided by the Facets package. We’ll cover this more advanced topic in a later chapter.