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The image library viewer tool allows you to display, filter and select multiple images contained within the Facets ImageLibrary. Refer to the image_library section for more information about the ImageLibrary and its uses.

The tool view contains a table with a row for each image contained in the ImageLibrary. Using the tool’s options dialog, available through the tool’s feature toolbar, the view can also be configured to show either four or nine columns of information about each image:

Volume (Basic view)
The image volume the image is contained in.
Name (Basic view)
The name of the image.
Width (Basic view)
The width of the image in pixels.
Height (Basic view)
The height of the image in pixels.
Category (Expanded view)
The category, if any, the image is classified under.
Keywords (Expanded view)
Any keywords associated with the image.
Description (Expanded view)
A description of the image.
Copyright (Expanded view)
The copyright information for the image.
License (Expanded view)
The licensing information for the image.

Selecting one or more images in the table assigns the list of image names (in the form: @volume:name) to the tool’s image_names facets, making the image names available to any connected tools.

You can also filter the contents of the table by clicking on any column header and entering some filter criteria. For columns containing text, a case sensitive or case insensitive match of the filter text anywhere within the column value is performed. For columns containing numbers, you can specify numeric values along with a relation (e.g. <=16). If no relation is specified, then the column value must exactly match the filter value specified.

See also the ImageLibrarySelector for a related tool which also allows you to select images from the ImageLibrary and provides a more compact user interface without any filtering or multi-selection capabilities.


Input Connections

The name of a path or .zip file containing images to add to the ImageLibrary.
The name of a directory to add to the ImageLibrary.

Output Connections

The list of currently selected image names in the form: @volume:name.


In addition to its input and output connections, the image library viewer tool also supports setting the following facets through the tool’s options dialog available via the tool’s feature toolbar:

Show all columns (show_all_columns)
Specifies whether all nine image information columns should be displayed or only the four basic information columns.



Shows a view of the image library viewer tool with a number of images selected. In this view, only the four basic image information columns are shown.


The same view, but this time with all nine image information columns displayed.