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Defines a tool for collecting, organizing, displaying and selecting images.

Each time a new image is received by the tool via its input_image facet it is added to the image collection. The collection is displayed using a LightTableEditor. Refer to the light_table_editor section for more information on using a LightTableEditor.

Selecting any image in the tool view assigns the image to the tool’s output_image facet, making the image available to any connected tools.

You can temporarily prevent new images from being added to the collection by clicking the gears icon in the toolbar located at the bottom of the tool’s view. The icon is a toggle, so you can click it again to re-enable collection updates.

The toolbar also contains three other controls you can use to modify the behavior of the tool:

Max images
Specifies the maximum number of images the collection can contain before starting to discard the oldest images received.
Specifies the maximum width in pixels of each image displayed.
Specifies the aspect ratio (width/height) of each image tile. Note that the ratio does not affect the aspect ratio of the images themselves, but only the ratio of each image tile.


Input Connections

An image to add to the collection.

Output Connections

The currently selected image in the collection.



Shows an image collection tool being used to collect a series of Control screen grabs made using the ControlGrabber tool.